A gun control bill in the form of SB 1418 will be heard tomorrow morning in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Email Sen. Jim Guthrie (R-Inkom) and tell him to pull his bill immediately! [email protected]
We are sick and tired of so-called Republicans blocking pro-gun bills at the Idaho capitol. Who is responsible and why is it happening? ISAA President Greg Pruett explains this in the video below. Note: If you need to follow us on our Rumble channel, subscribe (it’s free) today so you can get our fastest alerts!
Legislative Update on Super Tuesday (3-5-24)
Here is the latest legislative update from Idaho Second Amendment Alliance President Greg Pruett on this Super Tuesday!
Liberals in Idaho have realized their radical left ideas are not welcome here. That’s why they are trying to rig the game in their favor by implementing Rank Choice Voting in Idaho. Doing RCV in Idaho would devastate our conservative values and threaten the 2nd Amendment here as we know it. The goal of RCV […]
Check out ISAA President Greg Pruett’s latest legislative update for the week beginning 2/19/2024:
Senate Bill 1253 has just passed the Idaho Senate. The bill lays the groundwork for firearm manufacturers to be sued. While this bill deals with cell phone manufacturers not protecting kids from pornography, the same justification used for suing the cell phone manufacturers, who didn’t even create the content, is the same justification used by […]
Take Action on 2A Legislation in Idaho Now!
The new Gun Owner Action Center is alive and rocking! And it’s just in time too as pro-2nd Amendment legislation in the capitol is moving quickly. There are already several action items that we need you to do right away! First, Sen. Scott Herndon has a bill that will help protect your right to defend […]
With the Idaho Supreme Court’s recent anti-2nd Amendment opinion, gutting Idahoans’ ability to carry a firearm on public property, we cannot sit by and not take action. Sen. Scott Herndon (R-Sandpoint) is doing everything he can to begin to fix the mess left by the ISC. That’s why we need all Idahoans to act now […]
Idaho almost has a full Stand-Your-Ground law in place. However, we need the critical Criminal Immunity portion which keeps innocent gun owners from being politically prosecuted for defending themselves. That’s why we need Idahoans to contact their lawmakers and tell them to co-sponsor Sen. Brian Lenney’s (R-Nampa) Stand-Your-Ground Expansion bill! After you have contacted your […]
ISAA President Greg Pruett discusses reactions from five lawmakers (and some firearm trainers) who feel that teachers and other employees, authorized to carry a firearm concealed on school grounds under HB 415, NEED to have more training. This is an important discussion, and Greg breaks it down in this video. Be sure to share!