The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance exists to fight for the 2nd Amendment rights of all Idaho citizens.
Even in a pro-2nd Amendment state like Idaho, the 2nd Amendment is never safe as radical leftists have mobilize to turn Idaho into California.
The ISAA will focus on the following areas for Idaho’s gun owners:
- Fighting against proposed laws that would infringe on the 2nd Amendment.
- Overturning or repealing laws that currently infringe on the 2nd Amendment.
- Educating voters on where elected officials stand on 2nd Amendment issues, and votes they have taken for or against it. This includes candidates who wish to represent the citizens of Idaho as elected officials.
- Working with businesses and other organizations to promote the 2nd Amendment.
- Encouraging Idahoans to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.
It may be argued that the 2nd Amendment is the most important amendment in the United States Constitution.
Without the ability to oppose an oppressive government, none of the other amendments would exist.
Board of Directors
Greg Pruett – President & Treasurer
– Vice President
Seth Rosquist – Secretary
Christy Zito
Christy Zito – Political Advisor
Shane Bengeochea – Legal Advisor
Alexandria Kincaid – Legal Advisor
Our History
In 2012, Greg Pruett saw an issue with the way Idaho politicians continually talked about being pro-2nd Amendment, but didn’t seem to be passing bills which supported their campaign rhetoric.
Rather than trying to work through national gun groups to fight for what Idaho citizens wanted, Greg decided to start his own group that would be ran by Idahoans, for Idahoans, and all money raised would be used to defend the 2nd Amendment in Idaho.
On August 21st, 2012, Greg, Seth, and other friends launched the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.
One of the primary objectives of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance was to pass what is commonly called, “Constitutional Carry.”
At that time, only Vermont, Alaska, Wyoming, and Arizona had Constitutional Carry. Why didn’t Idaho, if the politicians were as pro-2nd Amendment as they claimed? That was a question that perplexed Greg, considering the legislature was 80% Republican controlled.
For the first few years, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance tried to work “within the system,” and hoped that the politicians in Boise weren’t leading the ISAA down a rabbit hole. After several years of Idaho’s legislature ignoring Idaho’s gun owners, gun owners became fed up with the “process.”
In 2015, Idaho citizens highly-engaged in reaching out to their legislators. They flooded the capitol with phone calls and emails in support of the first Constitutional Carry bill in Idaho’s history: House Bill 89.
In 2016, the legislature felt the anger and frustration of Idaho’s gun owners growing. During the 2016 Idaho legislative session we finally ended up with Senate Bill 1389 which was passed into law and took effect on July 1st, 2016.
Senate Bill 1389 was Idaho’s initial version of Constitutional Carry, but wasn’t full Constitutional Carry, due in part to opposition from RINOs in the capitol and the NRA. The ISAA spent several more years cleaning up Constitutional Carry so that all Americans, 18-years-old and older, can exercise Constitutional Carry throughout Idaho.
The ISAA will not stand for anyone compromising your gun rights away. There is no “give us this and we’ll give you that.” We demand the full restoration of the 2nd Amendment, and we will fight day and night to ensure that happens at both the city, county, state, and federal level.
Join the ISAA today and become a part of this fast growing and no-compromise gun rights organization at joinisaa.com!