2024 Idaho Primary Survey

2024 Idaho Primary Survey

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance conducts a survey for legislative candidates (Representative and Senator) each election cycle to determine where they stand on specific issues as it relates to the Second Amendment. Questions are generally derived from specific state legislation we are seeking to implement or oppose but some are broader in nature.

The ISAA Legislative Survey serves to inform the public about where candidates stand on these issues and we expect those seeking office to be willing to put their name on public record on where they stand on one of the most, if not the most, important issues to Idahoans.

If you have any questions regarding these surveys you may contact ISAA President Greg Pruett at [email protected].

Click on a heading below to see more!

Survey Questions

Question 1

Idaho’s firearm preemption law has a loophole that some cities are currently exploiting. Cities are temporarily giving private parties the ability to ban firearms in public places, where cities are not allowed to ban them. The intent of the legislature on firearm preemption is being subverted.

Will you support firearm preemption legislation which would ensure that cities are forbidden from giving private parties the ability to ban firearms during a so-called “short term lease?”

Question 2

Idaho’s current Stand-Your-Ground law is lacking one crucial component, “criminal immunity.” With people like Kyle Rittenhouse and the McCloskey couple being the target of political prosecution, we have to ensure that Idaho implements criminal immunity, and that we give reimbursements for legal fees to those who are found not guilty.

Will you support legislation that would strengthen Idaho’s existing Stand-Your-Ground law by adding “Criminal Immunity” and adding a legal fee reimbursement to Idaho’s existing law?

Question 3

Idaho’s “Campus Carry” law is extremely restrictive, and power is given to the university boards to regulate the carrying of concealed firearms on public university campuses.

Will you support legislation to remove the power of public universities to regulate the carrying of concealed firearms on campus, and return the power to the legislature?

Question 4

Will you oppose all methods of gun control, including those that the media calls “reasonable,” such as laws that disallow those with simple misdemeanor convictions from owning and carrying firearms, increasing the minimum age of those who carry guns for self-defense, new taxes on ammunition, and new ways to track guns and gun owners?

Question 5

Do you oppose legislation banning the manufacture, sale or possession of semi-automatic firearms and/or magazines of any capacity, recognizing that these restrictions do nothing to stop crime but only serve to harass gun owners?

Question 6

Will you oppose legislation to implement “Universal Background Checks” which force law-abiding citizens to go through government mandated background checks when even selling firearms to their own family members, friends, or acquaintances?

Question 7

Do you oppose ALL forms of Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders?

Question 8

Will you vote to overturn any form of gun control that might be implemented via a ballot initiative?

Republican Primary Legislative Candidates

District 1 – Senate – Scott Herndon (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 1 – House (Seat A) – Jane Sauter (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 1 – House (Seat A) – Spencer Hutchings (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 1 – House (Seat B) – Cornel Rasor (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 2 – Senate – Phil Hart (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 2 – House (Seat A) – Heather Scott (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 2 – House (Seat B) – Dale Hawkins (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 3 – House (Seat A) – Vito Barbieri (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 4 – Senate – Ben Toews (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 4 – House (Seat A) – Joe Alfieri (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 4 – House (Seat B) – Elaine Price (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 5 – House (Seat B) – Tony Wisniewski (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 6 – Senate – Dan Foreman (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 6 – House (Seat A) – Colton Bennett (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 6 – House (Seat A) – Dave Dalby (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 6 – House (Seat B) – Brandon Mitchell (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 7 – House (Seat A) – Jim Chmelik (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 7 – House (Seat A) – Kyle Harris (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 7 – House (Seat B) – Larry Dunn (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 7 – House (Seat B) – Charlie Shepherd (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 8 – Senate – Christy Zito (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 8 – House (Seat A) – Rob Beiswenger (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 8 – House (Seat A) – Matt Bundy (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 8 – House (Seat B) – Faye Thompson (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 9 – Senate – Brandon Shippy (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 9 – House (Seat A) – Jacyn Gallagher (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 10 – Senate – Tammy Nichols (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 10 – House (Seat A) – Rachel Hazelip (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 10 – House (Seat A) – Mike Moyle (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 11 – House (Seat A) – Kent Marmon (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 11 – House (Seat B) – Lucas Cayler (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 12 – House (Seat A) – Jarome Bell (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 13 – Senate – Brian Lenney (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 13 – House (Seat B) – Amy Henry (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 13 – House (Seat B) – Steve Tanner (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 14 – House (Seat A) – Ted Hill (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 16 – Senate – LeeJoe Lay (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 16 – House (Seat A) – Chandler Stewart Hadraba (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 16 – House (Seat B) – Jackie Davidson (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 20 – Senate – Josh Keyser (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 21 – House (Seat A) – Monica McKinley (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 21 – House (Seat A) – Adam Nelson (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 22 – House (Seat B) – Jason Monks (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 23 – House (Seat A) – Chris Bruce (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 23 – House (Seat B) – Tina Lambert (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 24 – Senate – Glenneda Zuiderveld (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 24 – House (Seat A) – Clint Hostetler (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 25 – House (Seat B) – David J. Leavitt (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 26 – House (Seat A) – Kally Schiffler (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 26 – House (Seat B) – Lyle Johnstone (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 27 – House (Seat B) – Pat Field (R) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 28 – House (Seat A) – James Lamborn (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 28 – House (Seat B) – Kirk Jackson (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 29 – House (Seat B) – Tanya Burgoyne (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 30 – House (Seat A) – David Cannon (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 30 – House (Seat B) – Julianne Young (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 31 – House (Seat B) – Karey Hanks (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 32 – Senate – Keith Newberry (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 32 – House (Seat A) – Sean Calvert Crystal (R) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 32 – House (Seat A) – Kelly Golden (R) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 32 – House (Seat B) – Bryan Smith (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 33 – Senate – Bryan Scholz (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 33 – House (Seat A) – Barbara Ehardt (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 33 – House (Seat B) – Jilene Burger (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 34 – House (Seat B) – Larry E Golden (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 35 – Senate – Doug Toomer (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 35 – House (Seat B) – Brett Skidmore (R) – 100% Pro-2A Answers

Independent, Constitution, Libertarian, and Democrat Legislative Candidates

District 1 – Senate – Daniel “Dan” Rose (I) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 1 – House (Seat B) – Bob Vickaryous (D) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 3 – House (Seat A) – Dale Broadsword (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 5 – Senate – Adam Chapman (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 5 – House (Seat A) – Bob Nonini (I) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 10 – House (Seat A) – Nancy Parker (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 14 – Senate – Kirsten Faith Richardson (C) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 16 – Senate – Justin “Justice” Mitson (D) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 21 – Senate – Mike Long (L) – 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 22 – Senate – Dawn C. Pierce (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 23 – House (Seat A) – Don Harrington (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers
District 31 – Senate – Dean Martonen (D) – NOT 100% Pro-2A Answers

We’re fighting to protect the 2nd Amendment in 2024 – will you join us in the fight?