
No regrets. Don’t sit by while Idaho is taken over!


Exposed: Idaho Liberals using Ballot Initiative to Turn Idaho into California

Be sure to check out this video, in which ISAA President Greg Pruett talks to a Reclaim Idaho volunteer about what they really want with their initiative. While this won’t come as a surprise to most “plugged-in” political folks, it may be very educational to the average Idahoan who doesn’t follow the dirty tactics of […]


Gadsden Flag License Plate Bill Sent to Gov. Little

Senator Tammy Nichols’ bill (SB 1317) to give Idahoans the option to have a Gadsden Flag license plate has been sent to Gov. Little. Time is short so we need Idahoans to reach out to Gov. Little as quickly as possible. Click the link here to send Little an email, which will take less than […]


Legislative Update (2-19-24) Gun Bills and More!

Check out ISAA President Greg Pruett’s latest legislative update for the week beginning 2/19/2024:


2024 Firearm Legislation in Idaho (1/26/24 – Update)

Note: For a short synopsis and an easy to find “Support,” “Neutral,” or “Oppose” stance for all firearm related legislation, click here. The 2024 legislative session is underway, and we have a short time to try and get as many pro-2nd Amendment bills through as possible. During this session, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is […]


Sen. Lenney Discusses Stand-Your-Ground Bill!

ISAA President Greg Pruett sat down with State Senator Brian Lenney (Republican-Nampa) to discuss Stand-Your-Ground in Idaho. Idaho lacks the important criminal immunity aspect of Stand-Your-Ground law. The bill also includes a provision which would allow a judge to award attorney’s fees in the event a jury finds someone not guilty by reason of self-defense. […]