
Editorial Submitted to Idaho Mainstream Media

The following Guest Editorial has been submitted to mainstream media and conservative media outlets across Idaho. Ranked Choice Voting a Threat to Idaho Gun Rights A new threat to Idaho gun rights has emerged: Ranked Choice Voting..Typically, Idahoans are focused on what is happening in Washington, D.C. for threats to gun rights. President Joe Biden […]


No regrets. Don’t sit by while Idaho is taken over!


Exposed: Idaho Liberals using Ballot Initiative to Turn Idaho into California

Be sure to check out this video, in which ISAA President Greg Pruett talks to a Reclaim Idaho volunteer about what they really want with their initiative. While this won’t come as a surprise to most “plugged-in” political folks, it may be very educational to the average Idahoan who doesn’t follow the dirty tactics of […]


ISAA Launches 3 New Ads to Expose Gun Grabbers

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has launched three new ads exposing gun grabbers in Idaho. The first is Rep. Rod Furniss (R-Rigby), also known as “Red Flag Rod.” Furniss has expressed support for Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders, then did a video trying to say he doesn’t support them while actually saying they are a […]


Who is Blocking Pro-2A Bills at the Idaho Capitol?!

We are sick and tired of so-called Republicans blocking pro-gun bills at the Idaho capitol. Who is responsible and why is it happening? ISAA President Greg Pruett explains this in the video below. Note: If you need to follow us on our Rumble channel, subscribe (it’s free) today so you can get our fastest alerts!


Legislative Update on Super Tuesday (3-5-24)

Here is the latest legislative update from Idaho Second Amendment Alliance President Greg Pruett on this Super Tuesday!