We are happy to announce that Central District Health is removing its anti-gun decals from its entrances. You can learn more about this issue by watching a short video from Idaho Second Amendment Alliance President Greg Pruett. (Sorry for the audio. We’ll try to figure out what happened.)
The following Guest Editorial has been submitted to mainstream media and conservative media outlets across Idaho. Ranked Choice Voting a Threat to Idaho Gun Rights A new threat to Idaho gun rights has emerged: Ranked Choice Voting..Typically, Idahoans are focused on what is happening in Washington, D.C. for threats to gun rights. President Joe Biden […]
Be sure to check out this video, in which ISAA President Greg Pruett talks to a Reclaim Idaho volunteer about what they really want with their initiative. While this won’t come as a surprise to most “plugged-in” political folks, it may be very educational to the average Idahoan who doesn’t follow the dirty tactics of […]
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has launched three new ads exposing gun grabbers in Idaho. The first is Rep. Rod Furniss (R-Rigby), also known as “Red Flag Rod.” Furniss has expressed support for Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders, then did a video trying to say he doesn’t support them while actually saying they are a […]
Idaho’s gun owners have warned congress for years that Red Flag Gun Confiscation would lead ultimately to a national effort to confiscate guns. Now, the Joe Biden DOJ has launched a center to help states confiscation firearms. There is no more important time to fight back against this egregious violation of the 2nd Amendment than […]
Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has launched a resource center on gun confiscation orders. This is the most dangerous government operation in the history of this country. The government is establishing an entity focused solely on firearm confiscation. The threat to the 2nd Amendment is bigger than it has ever been. With Joe Biden in […]
Senator Tammy Nichols’ bill (SB 1317) to give Idahoans the option to have a Gadsden Flag license plate has been sent to Gov. Little. Time is short so we need Idahoans to reach out to Gov. Little as quickly as possible. Click the link here to send Little an email, which will take less than […]
There are some 2nd Amendment-related bills that pop up every year, which really annoy liberals. Sen. Tammy Nichols (R-Middleton) is proposing such a bill. Her bill will create the Gadsden flag license plate for Idahoans. Over ten states already have the Gadsden flag on their license plates, so Idaho should be next. The bill has […]
The Senate State Affairs Committee, and Chairman Jim Guthrie (R-Inkom) are holding up HB 415, a step in the right direction to protecting our schools. Sadly, the Chairman decided instead to push a school carry bill that was so bad that all of the gun grabbers supported it! Even longtime gun control advocate Sen. Wintrow […]