
Sen. Zito’s Firearm Preemption Expansion Legislation

Sen. Christy Zito (R – Mtn. Home) is proposing a change to Idaho’s firearm preemption legislation. The goal of the legislation is to hold individuals, agencies, or municipalities who violate Idaho’s firearm preemption law accountable. At the bottom of this article, you will find the bill text. Also below, you will find a brief explanation […]


Sen. Zito’s Stand Your Ground Expansion Legislation

Sen. Christy Zito (R—Mtn. Home) is proposing changing Idaho’s Stand Your Ground law to include immunity and reimbursement. The goal of the legislation is to ensure that gun owners are not held in jail indefinitely by a prosecutor looking to turn a case of self-defense into a political prosecution. Cases like Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel […]


Update on Gun Bills from Sen. Christy Zito!

Sen. Christy Zito (R – Mtn. Home) sat down with ISAA President Greg Pruett to discuss the gun legislation heading toward the capitol this session. Be sure to watch and subscribe to the channel!