
Idaho Gun Owner Found Not Guilty in Self- Defense Case!

Important Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of myself, ISAA President Greg Pruett. The following story is only some of the details as retained in my memory during the trial, which I sat through in its entirety. If some of the details are inaccurate, they will be cleared up in […]


Idaho H&W Firearm Restriction Rule Must Go!

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by several folks who heard about a firearm rule that the Department of Health and Welfare instituted regarding firearms restrictions for families wishing to be foster parents. I don’t know when the rule was instituted, but the rule does violate Idaho’s firearm preemption code, Idaho Code 18-3302(j). Here […]


Video: Proof that Anti-Gun Decals at CDH are Down!

ISAA President Greg Pruett shot a video (see below) at Central District Health in Boise showing that the anti-gun decals on the entrances are no longer there! Over the last 12 years, the ISAA has gotten nearly 90 violations of Idaho’s firearm preemption law (18-3302J) overturned in cities and counties across the state. That’s a […]


CDH to Remove Anti-Gun Decals!

We are happy to announce that Central District Health is removing its anti-gun decals from its entrances. You can learn more about this issue by watching a short video from Idaho Second Amendment Alliance President Greg Pruett. (Sorry for the audio. We’ll try to figure out what happened.)


Editorial Submitted to Idaho Mainstream Media

The following Guest Editorial has been submitted to mainstream media and conservative media outlets across Idaho. Ranked Choice Voting a Threat to Idaho Gun Rights A new threat to Idaho gun rights has emerged: Ranked Choice Voting..Typically, Idahoans are focused on what is happening in Washington, D.C. for threats to gun rights. President Joe Biden […]