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Idaho Congressman Co-Sponsors Bill to Abolish ATF!

Congressman Russ Fulcher (Republican – District 1) has agreed to co-sponsor H.R. 221, which would abolish the ATF!

Gun owners have grown increasingly frustrated with the ATF in recent years. Banning bump stocks and pistol braces are just a few examples of our anger with them.

Without congressional approval, the ATF turned a bunch of innocent gun owners into felons if they didn’t comply with their unconstitutional edicts.

Enough is enough.

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has been calling for the ATF’s abolishment since we began in 2012.

The ATF is one of many unconstitutional entities created by our bloated government bureaucracy.

Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison (R) has authored H.R. 221 to abolish the ATF once and for all!

Burlison has been a staunch defender of gun rights for years as Missouri’s attorney general. And now, in Congress, he’s helping push pro-gun legislation.

Nothing could be better for gun owners than the abolishment of the ATF.

And we were happy to see that Congressman Fulcher also jumped on board!

If you have a moment, you should thank Congressman Fulcher by emailing him here.

While we love to see one of Idaho’s congressional members as a co-sponsor of H.R. 221, we would really love to see all four members co-sponsor or support (our Senators can only support) the bill.

The ISAA has a tool that makes it easy to contact the remaining members so you can encourage them to jump on board.

Click here to contact the remaining congressional members: Sen. Jim Risch (R), Sen. Mike Crapo (R), and Rep. Mike Simpson

Finally, we are trying to get more gun owners to contact our congressional delegation outside of our current email list. That’s where we need some help.

Please consider a small donation of $100, $50, or even just $25 to help us mobilize more help in abolishing the ATF by clicking here!

Thank you in advance to everyone who emails Fulcher, contacts the remaining congressional members, and can chip in a small donation to the ISAA.

Gun owners have to amp up the fight to restore the 2nd Amendment.

The ISAA is leading the charge in Idaho and will stand with everyone who will fight back.

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