What are they saying about the ISAA?

“The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance focuses on Idaho solutions for Idaho problems (unlike a lot of national groups). That’s why we need them in the Gem State.”
Sen. Brian Lenney (R)

“Kudos to the ISAA for doing what they say and taking ‘shall not be infringed’ seriously. I appreciate the hard work this organization does to protect the rights of all Idahoans.”
Sen. Tammy Nichols (R)

“Greg Pruett and the ISAA have done more for the 2nd Amendment and gun owners in Idaho than any other organization out there. Idahoans are extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated advocate on their side. Please support them all that you can.”
(Former) Rep. Chad Christensen (R)

“The Gun Owners of America is proud to work with the ISAA. They are Idaho’s only no compromise grassroots group fighting for the 2nd Amendment.”
Erich Pratt
Director of Communication, Gun Owners of America (GOA)

“The Gem State Patriot would like to thank the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance for all of the hard work they did not only this year but in previous years to bring Constitutional Carry to Idaho. Without strong organizations and leaders like Greg Pruett and others who would fight for the rights of Idaho’s Citizens we would be lost in a quagmire of restrictive rules and regulations. Our hats are off to you.”
Bob Neugebauer
Publisher, The Gem State Patriot

“The ISAA has an impressive record of success in defending Idahoans’ rights to keep and bear arms. They are a powerful force, a trusted ally, and we are proud to work with them to both protect and restore freedom in Idaho.”
Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
President, Idaho Freedom Foundation – Former Idaho State House Representative