Training and Education
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a firm believer in firearms training. We believe all citizens have a responsibility to understand their firearms and must learn how to effectively use them.
We are however 100% opposed to government mandated training. The 2nd Amendment is explicit in this regard. It says in part, “…shall not be infringed” and we believe that has a pretty clear meaning which has been ignored for decades.
Idahoans should find great trainers in their area who can provide quality training.
We also believe that we have a responsibility to educate ourselves on our nation’s history and the importance the 2nd Amendment plays in our preservation. In addition to Rumble videos we intend to provide, we have listed movies and books as recommendations of excellent educational resources.
Please visit our Rumble channel for our latest content on the political fights we are engaged in, as well as educational videos on firearm-related topics.
Recommended Movies:
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
Recommended Books:
Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and Enemies of the State (Stephen Halbrook)
The Founders’ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Stephen Halbrook)
More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws (John Lott)
Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns (Glenn Beck)