Legislation (2025)
Click a heading below to learn more about the bill.
Campus Carry Reform (SB 1008) – SUPPORT
Link to the bill: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2025/legislation/S1008.pdf
Summary of Legislation
The legislation is being proposed by Sen. Dan Foreman (Republican-Viola).
According to the bill’s “Statement of Purpose,” the legislation will:
“This legislation repeals section 18-3309, Idaho Code, and replaces it with a new section 18-3309, Idaho Code,
that prohibits limitations regarding concealed weapons at public colleges and universities.”
The legislation fixes an issue the ISAA has long had with the Campus Carry law, which is that these public anti-2nd Amendment institutions should not be able to limit the ability of students to defend themselves.
You can watch a video about the legislation from ISAA President Greg Pruett here.
Status: The bill has had an introductory hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee but has not yet received a full public hearing.
Concealed Carry Training Change (HB 48) – SUPPORT
Link to the bill: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2025/legislation/H0048/
Summary of Legislation
The legislation is being proposed by Rep. Charlie Shepherd (Republican-Pollock).
According to the bill’s “Statement of Purpose,” the legislation will:
“Purpose is to maintain the ability of retired law enforcement officers to continue to instruct after they are
no longer employed by a department. Currently after instructors retire, they are not legally able to continue
teaching firearm safety and instruction on enhanced concealed carry certifications.”
We believe there is more that needs to be changed regarding the training protocols, but this would be a good change and help instructors.
There is some discussion and debate about whether it will change reciprocity agreements. We don’t believe it should or will, but we can’t control what other states will do regardless.
Status: The bill has had an introductory hearing in the House State Affairs Committee but has not yet received a full public hearing.